Risk Factors
  • Heredity is the most important factor
  • The Female gender is more susceptible since the female hormones affect the structure of the vein walls
  • Pregnancy is an important factor. During pregnancy, there is an increase in hormone level and blood volume causing vein enlargement; Also, pressure by the enlarged uterus on the veins increases the pressure inside them. Varicose veins due to pregnancy often improve within 3 months after delivery but with repeated pregnancies, abnormal veins are more likely to persist
  • Gravity is an obvious factor as observed with jobs that entail prolonged standing
  • Age is another factor with weakening of the walls and valves
  • Trauma can damage vein walls and valves, but not commonly observed
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure as in heavy lifting
  • Obesity
risk of developing varicose veins